22 January 2014

The 3D selfie for your wedding cake

3D printing is a technology we're hearing more and more about recently and these newlyweds have now incorporated it into their wedding. Emily and Carl Osgathorp, from Oxford, topped their wedding cake with mini printed statues of themselves. The couple stood on a rotating turntable to scan their body into a computer and the image was then passed onto a 3D printer, which two hours later produced the mini statues. Will looking for cake toppers be a thing of the past one day? To read the full story visit The Daily Mail.

1 comment:

  1. These techniques punca not replace other arts, such as photography did not replace painting
    Custom dolls are created from the beginning of history, it is clear that if it comes to fighting the hyperrealism is complicated. But that is precisely the magic of craft
    There is even who makes custom puppets and this site
