15 December 2014

A visit to the Palace...

GG Print was proud to support last month the inaugural Place2Be Wellbeing in Schools Awards at Kensington Palace, in the presence of the Duchess of Cambridge. Place2Be is the leading UK provider of school-based mental health services. Understanding the importance of the link between a child’s home and school life, councillors engage with parents and family to provide much needed emotional support. Awards for parents, teachers, counsellors, and students, the evening was just a snippet of the amazing work that is currently undertaken across 230 schools in the UK.  

I was lucky enough to see this first hand at a school visit to Upton Cross Primary School last week, and the incredible results the charity has achieved at this school. Both parents and students talked of the fantastic life changing support they had received. To read more about the charity, click here to visit their website. 

8 December 2014

First Birthday Fun

Last month I was very excited to attend my nephew's first birthday party in the Big Apple. The highlight for me had to be his London-themed chocolate cake. Three tiered, it featured a personalised bus and tube stop, the Queen's Guard, Big Ben and the London Eye - wow! Definitely a show stopper.

Face painting by GemFaceNY proved a big hit, with lions, butterflies and supermen appearing. The kids were entertained with singalongs, bubbles and yummy snacks; they couldn't have been happier. Giant animal helium balloons served as the perfect going home present. Smiles all around.